Dryas iulia







Forewing Length

41-45 mm


Southern United States throughout the neotropics.

Host Plant

Passiflora species in the Plectostemma group, but also Passiflora vitifolia and P. platyloba.

Pupa Stage

Approximately 8 days.

Pupa Description

Similar to Dione juno but with a few reflective spots, and generally more rounded shape.

Adults Description

Inmediately distinguished by the orange upperside; black markings on forewing and hindwing variable. A good field character is the distinctive fluttery “dragonflylike” flight.

Habits Description

Commonly occurs from sea level to 1,500 m and less frequently from 1,500 m to 1,800 m on Pacific and Atlantic slopes of Costa Rica. In association with open areas or in the forest canopy. Usually found along forest edges, flying about three meters from the ground, in association with the hostplants. Both sexes visit a wide variety of flowers that include herbs and canopy trees and vines. The female may lay eggs on tendrils and leaves or even lay off the hostplant on the adjacent vegetation. Although very common, this species can be difficult to capture because of its alertness and rapid flight.